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[Korean Food] Healthy Acorn Jelly Soup With Rice
Welcome to Daniel's
Korean recipes blog today!
Today's recipe is an acorn jelly soup with rice!
This is a really healthy food.
It has low calories, and pretty good taste too. Calories :: About 450kcal
Cooking Time :: About 30 minutes
1] Wash your hands first,
and then prepare ingredients for today's cook.
Today's important point is a anchovies stock!
Next time I'll show you how to make
base stock in Korean cook.
If you don't like seafood stock,
you can use other stock what you wanted!
2] Well, now, we're gonna cut the acorn jelly.
Cut into quadrangle shape about 1.5cm size.
3] And now, I'm gonna stir fry some bean sprouts.
Preheat the pan about 3 minutes first,
and put 1T sesame oil,
and then place bean sprouts on it.
Stir fry it about 2 minutes.
I'll use this stir fried bean sprouts as a topping.
It has a nice crispy texture.
4] And the young leaves,
just soak in the cold water.
And chop the Kimchi.
These things are gonna used as a topping.
5] When the stock is boiling,
put next ingredients.
<1t salt,1t soy sauce>
Just leave it is boiling for about 5 minutes.
6] And now, I'm gonna blanch cut acorn jelly.
It's because what I do this,
it will make its texture softer
than without blanching.
7] This is the last step!
In the large bowl,
place 150g cooked rice first,
and then just put acorn jelly,
cut Kimchi,young leaves,
stir fried bean sprouts,
1t dried laver powder,
400ml hot anchovy stock!
Now, we are done!
It smells really nice.
Let's try!
[Acorn jelly soup TIPS!!]
1) Use the blanched acorn jelly. 2) Place some Kimchi!
등록일 : 2015-03-10 수정일 : 2015-03-10
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