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[Korean Recipes #1]Delicious Steamed Pork Recipe Is Here!


[Korean Recipes #1]

Delicious Steamed Pork Recipe.

Welcome to my blog today!

Today was a cold day isn't it?

I hope to you guys not to catch a cold!

Today, I'll introduce a special steamed pork recipe.

This is a totally Korean Style!

It'll take little bit long time,

but it is simple and really tasty.

And also it's good for our health too!

Calories :: About 850 Kcal

Time :: About 60 minutes


1] Wash your hands first,

and prepare ingredients for today's menu.

I'll make some radish salad as a side dish.

It's good for digestion when we eating meat.

2] Put next ingredients,

20g cinnamon bark,2T ginseng juice,

50g green onion,1T instant coffee powder

into the stock bag.

These things make better flavor 

and good looking color.

3] And now, I'm gonna seasoning the pork

with 1T oyster sauce,1/2t ground pepper.

And then grill it all sides

 in the preheated pan

 about 5 minutes.

That's why I'm doing this,

It helps to keep our pork meat

 more juicy after cook it.

4] When water is boiling,

place 2T ginseng juice,

and put the grilled pork meat too.

Now, rid the pot and steam it about 40 minutes.

5] During our beautiful pork is steaming,

we have to prepare our side dish.

White Gimchi and the radish salad.

I'm gonna cut white Gimchi first.

Just cut about into 4cm.

6] Now, let's make a radish salad!

Slice the radish first

 and put some salt on them.

7] After 5 minutes later,

wash the salted radish via clean water,

then put the next ingredients.

1T red pepper powder,1t soy sauce,

1/2T fish sauce,1t chopped garlic,

1/2T cook syrup,1t sesame

And then mix it together!

We're done to make Korean radish salad!

8] And some young leaves,

just put some sesame oil on them.

It'll make our cook more aromatic.

9] Now, We have to check our pork meat.

looks good, isn't it?

It is really hat now,

Move them on the tray,

and just leave it in room temperature

 for about 5 minutes.

10] Now, slice the pork into 1cm thickness.

And, into the plate,

place it with our salad and fresh young leaves!




[ Today's Tips!! ]

1) Precooking the pork meat first!

2) Steaming it about 40 minutes!


I introduce a special


 Korean Steamed Pork Recipe today.

I recommend making this menu

 for a special day!

Thanks for visiting my blog today!

God bless you and have a great day!

#If you have any questions about today's recipe,

just email me!! ( coolguy7307@gmail.com)


등록일 : 2015-03-10 수정일 : 2015-03-10

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