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Delicious Soup Recipe,Mushroom Pork Bone Soup



<Delicious Soup Recipe>

Mushroom Pork Bone Soup

Welcome to Korean recipes blog Daniel-land!
Today, I bring a really tasty 

and healthy food recipe.

In Korea, this is a really popular 

healthy food menu.

It's called "Gamja-tang"!

I'm gonna put 

some mushrooms too.

It has a nice flavor 

and good texture too.

Also, the pork bone is 

a low fat part of pork.

So, you can enjoy it without stress.

1] Prepare ingredients for today's cook first.

2] Soak pork bone into 1L cold water.

This step is for removing pork bone's blood.

It'll take about 30 minutes.

3] Cut potato about 3~4cm sizes,

Be careful cutting not too small,

if you cut it too small,

It looks not clean after cook it.

4] And, I'm gonna use 

the columns of mushrooms too.

It has a deep mushroom's flavor.

So i'll put it into the soup.

5] After remove the columns,

cut it into 1cm slices.

6] This mushroom, 

I'm gonna cut the front part first,

and then cut into 1cm slices.

If you cut just like what I did,

(Separating the mushroom's 

head part and the body part)

people think they're different 

kinds of mushrooms.

7] Now, cut perilla leaves' stem first,

and slice it into 2cm thickness.

8] During we cut vegetables,

it's done to remove pork's blood.

You can check by your eyes.

If it has beautiful pink color , it's good!

9] Remember that?

I told you that I'm gonna use 

the columns of mushrooms.

Just put pork bone and columns of mushrooms,

and add 1L water into the pot.

And now, begin to boil it!

10] Skim off the foam when the soup is boiling,

and place 1T soy bean paste & 1/3t ground pepper.

11] Now, just cook it

for about 40 minutes.

( in the middle-low flame)

12] During our soup is cooking,

prepare spicy paste for the soup.

1T red pepper paste,1T red pepper powder, 

1T oyster sauce,2T water


Mix it together~




13] After 40 minutes later,

add our all vegetables except perilla leaves,

and put the spicy paste what we made too.

And then boil it for about 10 minutes.

14] This is the last step!

Place perilla leaves on them,

and boil it for 1 minutes.

It's done!!

So, now enjoy your 

delicious pork bone soup!

It looks plentiful, right?

You can feel its nice and bold flavor

 of pork bones and mushrooms.

I mean, in the good way~

Try the soup first!

After then, eat the pork bone's meat!

It has really tender, and has a good flavor.





[Mushroom Pork Bone Soup TIPS!!]

1) Use the soy bean paste!

2) Add some perilla leaves!


:::: EPILOGUE ::::
I introduced a special soup recipe.
It was really tasty and you can feel
 its deep and refreshing taste of the soup.
This food is not only delicious
 but also good for our health too!

Thanks for visiting my blog today!
God bless you,
and have a good day!


등록일 : 2015-03-10 수정일 : 2015-03-10

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