STEP 1/16
1 chicken for braised spicy chicken (1 kg)
STEP 2/16
Rinse chicken 2-3 times in cold water
STEP 3/16
Dip the chicken in water for 50 minutes to remove the color
STEP 4/16
Making seasoning: red pepper paste 3T, red pepper powder 4T, dark soy sauce 4T, anchovy sauce 2T (can be salted fish), mirim 2T, oligodang 3T, minced garlic 4T, a little bit of ginger powder (optional), pepper
STEP 5/16
Potatoes in quarters
STEP 6/16
Onions are big enough to eat
STEP 7/16
Cut the green onion in half
STEP 8/16
Cut to 5cm length
STEP 9/16
Throw away the water and boil the chicken in a pot with 500ml of water
STEP 10/16
When the chicken is white, add potatoes and onions
STEP 11/16
Cover and simmer for 10 minutes
STEP 13/16
Add green onions
STEP 14/16
Mix evenly (open the lid) and boil for another 10 minutes
STEP 15/16
If you want to put in the candles, add it and boil it for 2 more minutes!
STEP 16/16
Done! Mix the rice with the soup, tear the chicken, and wet it
It's using the water that boils the chicken without blanching it like broth It doesn't smell bad, but it tastes deeper and deeper