STEP 1/9
It's good to eat a warm acorn jelly bowl before summer like these days.
STEP 2/9
Prepare a pack of acorn jelly.
STEP 3/9
Use the pack again to make the broth.
Add 3 pieces of kelp and take it out as soon as the water starts to dry.
STEP 4/9
Cut the acorn jelly into long pieces.
STEP 5/9
Place cucumber, egg garnish, and watermelon on acorn jelly.
STEP 6/9
Cut off the pre-made broth and add it.
STEP 7/9
Pour in the broth to soak the acorn jelly.
STEP 8/9
Slice the seaweed flakes and put them together.
STEP 9/9
Lastly, sprinkle sesame seeds.
The acorn jelly bowl is done.
These days, rather than eating cold food, if you make warm broth and make acorn jelly bowls, you will feel warm inside your body.