Making Tofu Ssamjang, famous for dieting and low-saltness
I made it while looking for a low-salt ssamjang to enjoy deliciously and healthily and healthily.
4 serving
Within 10 minutes
  • Tofu
  • onion
  • Soybean paste
  • red pepper paste
  • Shiitake mushroom
  • perilla oil
  • crushed garlic
  • Water
  • Red pepper powder
  • Sugar
  • Cheongyang red pepper
Cooking Steps
STEP 1/21
Chop the onion. You can use it according to the size. I used 1 and a half minimi onions, but if you're going to put in a lot of other ingredients, you can use half of them or you can control them freely!
STEP 2/21
Chop the green onion into small pieces. You can cut it in half.
STEP 3/21
They put various vegetables such as zucchini and cabbage, but I put shiitake mushrooms. I cut 1-2 pieces into small pieces and you can skip it.
STEP 4/21
Drain the tofu a little. (Appropriately)
STEP 5/21
Crush with the back of the knife.
STEP 6/21
I drained it so that it wouldn't be crushed with the back of a knife, so I chopped it. I used 500g of tofu, but you can use only one.
STEP 7/21
If we made it like this, we're done preparing the ingredients.
STEP 8/21
Add 2T of perilla oil and onions and mushrooms. (If you don't have perilla oil, you can use cooking oil.)
Put it in and stir-fry it.
STEP 9/21
If it's fried enough, don't peel it and add 2T of soybean paste as it floats on the spoon.
STEP 10/21
Add 2T of red pepper paste in the same way.
STEP 11/21
Please stir-fry it.
STEP 12/21
Add 1T of minced garlic.
STEP 13/21
Add half a cup of water.
STEP 14/21
Add 1T of red pepper powder.
STEP 15/21
Add 0.5T of sugar.
STEP 16/21
Mix it.
STEP 17/21
Put all the tofu in.
STEP 18/21
I used 500g of tofu to make a thick ssamjang. If you don't like thick ssamjang, you can reduce the amount of tofu, but I like thick ones, so I'll proceed as it is.
STEP 19/21
Add 1-2 cheongyang peppers, please. If you're spicy like me, please control it.
STEP 20/21
Enjoy your meal!
STEP 21/21
It's good to eat with pork belly and it's a fantastic combination with cabbage wraps.
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