STEP 1/13
I prepared the leftover gimbap ingredients, pickled radish, burdock, stir-fried carrots, eggs, and spam.
You need six eggs to make two slices of egg.
STEP 2/13
Cut pickled radish, burdock, and carrot into small pieces
STEP 3/13
Mix 3 bowls of hot rice and chopped ingredients with seasoning
STEP 4/13
Beat in 3 eggs with enough seasoning.
I'm going to fry a thick egg with three eggs.
I need two egg garnish.
STEP 5/13
Add 1 tablespoon sesame oil over low heat and pour in egg water.
Turn over when the egg is half cooked.
Make 2 thick egg garnish with 6 eggs.
STEP 6/13
After cooling the egg garnish, dip it in a spam container and make 6 shapes
STEP 7/13
Cut the spam into half a centimeter thick pieces.
Don't oil over medium heat, add spam and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of sugar.
Bake spam back and forth until golden brown.
STEP 8/13
Cut a lot of plastic wrap on an empty spam box
STEP 9/13
1. I'll spread the rice 1cm thick
2. egg garnish
3. Spam
4. I'll wrap it up with rice.
STEP 10/13
You can grab the rap and take it out
STEP 11/13
Cut the seaweed for kimbap in half and place the rough side of the seaweed facing up
STEP 12/13
Put the rice on the seaweed and roll it
STEP 13/13
Slowly cut the finished musubi into saws with a knife.
Pickled radish and burdock are in the rice, and spam is baked with sugar, so sweet and salty, and thick egg garnish is savory.
It's a very delicious spam mousse.
If you make egg garnish with an empty spam container and make musubi with a spam container, the musubi shape is made beautifully.