STEP 1/8
Soak dried pollack or dried pollack in water.
STEP 2/8
Shred the radish and slice the peppers and green onions diagonally.
STEP 3/8
Season the dried pollack with 1 spoon of soy sauce and 1 spoon of sesame oil.
STEP 4/8
Stir-fry dried pollack in a pot with sesame oil for 2 minutes
Add shredded radish and stir-fry slightly.
(If you stir-fry it too much, the radish can break!)
STEP 5/8
Pour 200ml of anchovy stock
Bring it to a boil.
(You have to boil 200ml separately for each boil without putting it in at once to create a milky soup!)
STEP 6/8
Add a handful of washed bean sprouts, half a spoon of minced garlic, chopped green onions, and peppers and boil.
STEP 7/8
Add half a spoonful of salted shrimp, soy sauce and salt to taste.
STEP 8/8
White dried pollack soup is done!
You don't add the broth at once, but you have to add it little by little while boiling
The white soup comes out.