Kimchi sujebi is delicious even if it's time to cook ramen
There's a day when I'm alone with my eldest son I asked him to make kimchi sujebi for lunch My son is saying "Call right The daughter hates sujebi itself, and the younger son I don't like boiling it with kimchi when both of them are gone I have to make itK So when the two of us were together, we quickly ate kimchi sujebi I boiled it When the water boils, add kimchi and mix it with a spoon If you scoop it up, it's enough to cook ramen I think it's really simple and easy because it's sujebi It tastes cool and refreshing, so I'll start with the soup It tastes amazing The eldest son eats really well because he's his own style It warms my insides, too It was spicy and delicious Even if you don't put any flour on your hands Make the most chewy sujebi deliciously^^ Take care of your health today too~
2 serving
Within 10 minutes
요리톡톡 맛톡톡
  • Flour
  • Water
  • Kimchi
  • Salt
  • the liquid of tuna
Cooking Steps
STEP 1/5
Knead flour
STEP 2/5
I'll boil the water
STEP 3/5
Add kimchi and scoop the batter
STEP 4/5
I'm going to season it
STEP 5/5
Put it in a bowl
Please refer to the video for detailed explanations
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