STEP 1/17
Wash and prepare the chicken.
STEP 2/17
Blanch washed chicken with pepper in boiling water.
STEP 3/17
Wash the blanched chicken and drain it.
STEP 4/17
Cut the onion into squares.
STEP 5/17
Cut carrots into squares.
STEP 6/17
Cut the green onion in big pieces.
STEP 7/17
Cut tomatoes into appropriate sizes.
STEP 8/17
Cut potatoes into squares.
STEP 9/17
Dip the cut potatoes in cold water for about 10 minutes to remove starch.
STEP 10/17
Drain potatoes from starch.
STEP 11/17
Put everything in a pot except chicken and green onion.
STEP 12/17
Put chicken, cooking wine, and sugar on top of vegetables.
STEP 13/17
Cover and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.
STEP 14/17
Add red pepper paste, red pepper powder, soy sauce, minced garlic, and oligosaccharide and mix them once.
STEP 15/17
Cover and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.
STEP 16/17
Remove the lid and simmer over medium heat for about 20 minutes.
STEP 17/17
Lastly, add green onions.