Nurungji Cooking Nurungji Popcorn Caramel Nurungji Making Amazin
Did you always cook nurungji? Nurungji soup is good. I prefer nurungji soup to eating naengmyeon for dessert after eating meat at a meat restaurant. Nurungjitang is delicious, but there is a way to enjoy it as a snack, not a meal or dessert. It's caramel nurungji, "Caramel nurungji?" It may be unfamiliar, but to put it simply, nurungji popcorn. You all know popcorn, right? I made popcorn into nurungji. It's delicious even if you eat it raw, but how much more delicious would it be if you mix it with caramel sauce. Then I'll show you how to make caramel nurungji right now.
4 serving
Within 30 minutes
  • crispy rice crust
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Milk
  • Butter
Cooking Steps
STEP 1/7
Crush nurungji into bite-size pieces.
STEP 2/7
Add 1 cup sugar and 1/2 cup water to a preheated pan and bring to a boil without stirring.
STEP 3/7
Boil 1T of butter when the sugar melts and bubbles rise as the moisture evaporates.
STEP 4/7
When butter melts and browns, add 1/2 cup milk and bring to a boil, mixing.
STEP 5/7
When the caramel sauce is thick, stir-fry it with nurungji.
STEP 6/7
When the caramel sauce and nurungji are properly stir-fried, spread out on the parchment paper so that they do not stick to each other and cool down.
STEP 7/7
Cool it down and put it in the bowl you want, and it's caramel nurungji.
If you make caramel sauce well, you can easily make caramel nurungji and nurungji popcorn. When you make caramel sauce, you can't wait to make it, so if you make it on high heat, it might fail. Because of that From start to finish! Until you make the caramel sauce! You'd better keep the heat low.
Cooking review
  • 436*****
    I tried to find out what to do because there was nurungji left at home. I tried it because it was a unique dish, and it was delicious! I don't think I put too much sugar because it's too sweet. The sauce is lighter than brown... But it's still sweet and delicious Thank you for the good recipe
    2023-07-14 12:02
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