Make buckwheat soba with cool summer recipes. Enjoy cold buckwhe
Make it simple in the summer Something you can enjoy freely It reminds me of noodles. I like cold buckwheat noodles, so I always buy them Since it's hard to eat out I made it at home and ate it. To make the broth one by one Because it's so hot I prepared simple ingredients with tzuyu I just need to boil the noodles It was easy to make and tasted good.
1 serving
Within 30 minutes
  • buckwheat noodles
  • Tzuyu
  • Bottled water
  • Ice
  • Scallions
  • Radish
Cooking Steps
STEP 1/11
Prepare buckwheat soba broth.
When you make it easily at home
You can use Tzuyu.
You just need to dilute it with water
You have to change the ratio depending on the concentration level.
STEP 2/11
In my case, I made it with handmade tzuyu
I prepared 200ml of water and 60ml of tsuyu.
I'm going to put ice in it
I made the concentration a bit darker.
STEP 3/11
Chop the chives.
STEP 4/11
Grind the radishes on a grater.
STEP 5/11
After you remove the moisture
Put it in the refrigerator and leave it cold.
STEP 6/11
Add enough water to cover the noodles
When it boils, add the noodles.
Mix it naturally with chopsticks and boil it.
STEP 7/11
Unlike noodles
You don't have to put cold water in the middle of cooking
Bubbles are coming up
Boil it until it's cooked to make it easy to eat.
STEP 8/11
After boiling it, rinse it in cold water
Shake off the water.
STEP 9/11
I'll roll up the noodles
I put it in a bowl.
STEP 10/11
In a small bowl, place the liver, chives, and wasabi.
STEP 11/11
Eat it with broth
It's a refreshing taste
The noodles blend in with the taste
It's to make delicious buckwheat noodles
You can make it easily at home using Tzuyu
Cooking review
  • 856*****
    Thanks to you, I enjoyed the food
    2022-04-08 14:56
  • 245*****
    It was easy and delicious^^ It tasted even cleaner when I ground the radish in!
    2022-02-01 19:56
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