Cheongi Leakage Water parsley Gimbap / Rice-free Gimbap / Kito G
Hello? Rice is national power. Water parsley, which has a good scent, is an alkaline food that neutralizes the body's acidic body and helps to release harmful ingredients such as heavy metals and sodium in the body. Choose the water parsley with vivid green leaves and moist cross section. Today, I'm going to make a water parsley gimbap with leakage from heaven. It's Kitto Kimbap without rice.
1 serving
Within 30 minutes
  • Eggs
  • dried seaweed for kimbap
  • Carrot
  • water parsley
  • perilla oil
  • Salt
  • Cabbage
Cooking Steps
STEP 1/10
Put 2 tablespoons of vinegar in cold water and soak it for 10 minutes, then rinse it in clear water to remove the water.
STEP 2/10
Put plenty of water in a pot and when it boils, add a tablespoon of salt and blanch the water parsley. You need to add salt to blanch it blue. If the water parsley is blue and the color is comfortable, remove the heat from the cold water. Squeeze the water, please.
STEP 3/10
Add a little bit of perilla oil and salt and mix
STEP 4/10
Remove the string from the egg, add a little salt, and beat.
STEP 5/10
Heat the pan, add a bit of oil, add egg water, and flip it over with chopsticks.
STEP 6/10
Roll it up and shred it
STEP 7/10
The egg garnish is done.
STEP 8/10
Chop cabbage and carrots finely.
STEP 9/10
Spread egg garnish on the seaweed and place cabbage, carrot, and water parsley on top.
STEP 10/10
Roll it up. Roll it up and wait a little bit before cutting.
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