STEP 1/8
Wash chicken legs clean and drain
STEP 2/8
It's for kids, so it removes the skin and fat
STEP 3/8
Cut it into bite-size pieces
STEP 4/8
Put chicken in a bowl and 3 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce
STEP 5/8
Chop onions, carrots, and garlic and add them
STEP 6/8
Mix it well, put it in a container, and let it ripen in the refrigerator for at least an hour
STEP 7/8
When the surface of the aged chicken is cooked, close the lid and cook it over low heat for 3-5 minutes
STEP 8/8
It's good to eat as a side dish and as a rice bowl
*If you are sensitive to the fishy smell of chicken legs, add cooking wine and pepper