Grilled fish is more plentiful than the restaurant
Go to my place to eat grilled fish! I made it more plentiful than the assorted grilled fish sold in the restaurant.
This is what made it so that you can say, "It's a group fish!" and "Wow, this place is good!"
If you order grilled fish or assorted grilled fish at a restaurant, some places give you plenty, but some places give you poorly.
I like fish, so there are some places where I was disappointed when I ordered grilled fish at the restaurant.
I ordered and ate assorted grilled fish at the restaurant a few days ago, but I was a little disappointed.
So today, I made and ate assorted grilled fish at home.
When you go to the market, you always buy fish, but you stack it in the freezer and eat it, so there is no day for fish to fall off.
Even if there are delicious side dishes or special side dishes, I tend to grill fish often, not every day.
I took out a bag of fish from the freezer one by one and grilled it so deliciously that I didn't have to eat fish for a while.
3 serving
Within 60 minutes