STEP 1/13
Soak ribs in water to remove blood
STEP 2/13
While draining blood, chop carrots, onions and potatoes
The vegetables in the curry will do
STEP 3/13
Now, I'm going to take out the ribs from the water and dry them with a kitchen towel
STEP 4/13
Dress the drained ribs back and forth with the prepared flour
STEP 5/13
Now, put oil in a skillet over medium heat and bake for 2-3 minutes
STEP 6/13
Remove the ribs for a while, stir-fry the vegetables and garlic in the galbi oil, season with salt and pepper You don't have to stir-fry too much because it's going to boil well
STEP 7/13
Once the vegetables have been stir-fried, add tomato paste and Worcester sauce and stir-fry a little Two or three minutes is enough
STEP 8/13
Add the paste, stir-fry a little, add the wine, stir-fry a little, and pour the water you prepared
STEP 9/13
Now, put the ribs in the sauce to soak, and if you have Wolgye-su and rosemary, add a little bit
STEP 10/13
I'll boil it down to medium heat for 3 hours. You can heat it to the oven The time is the same^^
STEP 11/13
After two and a half hours, it becomes like this. ^^ The delicious smell is art, so taste it and add salt and pepper to your taste
*I baked a garlic room or prepared a salad mesh potato to eat together while making this
STEP 12/13
After 3 hours, you put it in a pretty bowl and eat it deliciously
STEP 13/13
It's so soft that even if I move a little with my fork, my bones fall out ^^ It was so delicious
*You don't have to do it in the gas stove, you can heat it at 180 degrees for 2 1/2 to 3 hours
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