#Making cheonggukjang jjigae with savory super speed #Making che
The method of cooking soybean paste stew that Mr. Baek cooked at home is that he always makes soybean paste stew and soybean paste stew, which is nothing special and adds radish. I added sugar when I first made it, but I didn't add sugar the next time I cooked the stew. But if you boil the stew with radish, it's really delicious and savory, and I think the sweetness from radish is much better than sugar. It is Cheonggukjang stew that is made quickly using simple ingredients with radish, onions, and pumpkins like Cha Seung-won for three meals.
4 serving
Within 30 minutes
  • Tofu
  • Pumpkin
  • onion
  • Radish
  • Soybean paste
  • Cheonggukjang
  • Water
  • Red pepper
  • crushed garlic
  • leek
Cooking Steps
STEP 1/10
Prepare ingredients for cheonggukjang. Radish, onion, tofu, zucchini, red pepper, soybean paste and cheonggukjang, and other things, you can prepare minced garlic and green onions. Ingredients are simple~~ It is a savory cheonggukjang stew made using common ingredients.
STEP 2/10
This Cheonggukjang stew prepared rice water, not anchovy broth or kelp broth. This rice water goes well with soybean paste stew or cheonggukjang stew and makes the taste more savory. Put the rice water in the pot and bring to a boil.
STEP 3/10
Mix the doenjang and add the radish and boil it. The ratio of soybean paste and cheonggukjang is 1:2.
STEP 4/10
If you boil the radish well until it is cooked, you can make more delicious cheonggukjang stew.It's also a recipe for doenjang stew from Chef Baek.
STEP 5/10
If the radish is cooked enough, add the pumpkin and onion and just add the red pepper.
STEP 6/10
Add half a tablespoon of minced garlic. And boil it again.
STEP 7/10
Finally, cheonggukjang is going in. It's better to put the cheonggukjang last. If you put it in from the beginning, it has a dry taste, so if you put soybean paste in it and boil it, you can make the fresh soybean paste stew that doesn't have a dry taste.
STEP 8/10
If you add cheonggukjang and boil it to remove the bubbles that come up, it will be good to see and eat along with the clear soup.
STEP 9/10
When it's boiling again, put in the green onions.
STEP 10/10
Lastly, add tofu and boil it until it is thick. Then, you can make delicious cheonggukjang jjigae in 30 minutes~~~~~~~~ You can cook much faster if you have the ingredients ready.
Cooking review
  • 749*****
    I didn't know cheonggukjang could make it this simple I didn't put tofu in the recipe Haha I had a good dinner tonight!Thank you
    2016-07-28 11:29
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