[Pepero Day] How to make Pepero cake
As a result of making it, it's not good to make it and pack it far away.. It's good to play with candles at home~~~
2 serving
Within 15 minutes
  • Pepero
  • Roly-poly
  • Castella
  • Whipping cream
  • Fruit
  • Jam
Cooking Steps
STEP 1/9
The ingredients are prepared as follows. You can choose according to your preference
STEP 2/9
First, slice the castella.
STEP 3/9
For a moist texture, apply fruit syrup or fruit jam to the castella section.
STEP 4/9
Spread whipped cream on top of it, and layer the cut sections together.
STEP 5/9
Cut the Pepero to fit the height of the bread.
STEP 6/9
Spread whipped cream all over the bread. It will be wrapped in fruit and Pepero, so it's okay not to make it smooth!
STEP 7/9
Adjust the height of the cookies and stick the Pepero on the sides of the bread.
STEP 8/9
Wrap the paper foil and tie the ribbon so that the Pepero doesn't fall off.
STEP 9/9
Decorate the top with your favorite fruit.
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