STEP 1/8
Wash cucumbers clean and cut them in moderation
Add a little water to the thick salt and marinate for about an hour
*If you want to eat crispy until the end, add hot water and pickle it
STEP 2/8
Add paprika, onion, pear, minced garlic, cold rice (glutinous rice paste), plum syrup, salted shrimp, etc. and grind them finely
STEP 3/8
The kimchi soup ingredients are ground
You strain it through a sieve, and you put water in it
and filter it out little by little
*If you want more red soup
Put in chili powder and soak it for a while
Put it down on the sieve
STEP 4/8
Kimchi soup with a piece of kelp
Add a little bit of ginger
STEP 5/8
Don't rinse the pickled cucumbers
Drain and place in kimchi soup
STEP 6/8
Add 3 to 4cm gillio chopped chives and cheongyang peppers
If it's for kids, don't put in Cheongyang red pepper
If you don't have chives, you can skip it, but it's
STEP 7/8
Put all the ingredients and look at the amount of soup
Add more bottled water and season with fish sauce if necessary
STEP 8/8
It's cucumber kimchi at room temperature overnight
Remove the kelp and store in the refrigerator
If you're worried about food poisoning in the summer
If you're going to feed it to a little kid
Rather than bottled water, boil water and cool it down