STEP 1/8
I chopped up all the vegetables and there's a pack of natto that's good for dieting
I prepared it!~~
STEP 2/8
Fried tofu is so oily that it's not suitable to use as it is
I boiled the fried tofu in boiling water
Rinse it in running water, drain the oil, and press it down to squeeze the water out!!
STEP 3/8
I made a sauce by mixing 2 large spoons of soy sauce, 2 large spoons of sugar (cooking sweet), 2 large spoons of vinegar, and 6 large spoons of water from kelp
STEP 4/8
I boiled the dried tofu in the seasoned soy sauce
I boiled it down until the soup boiled down~!~
It's very deliciously boiled down well!!
STEP 5/8
I made a mixed candle to mix the rice
Instead of sugar, I cut down on calories with a cooking sweet!~
Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar (cooking sweet) + 2 tablespoons of vinegar + 1/2 teaspoon of salt, then microwave for 40 seconds to melt salt and sugar
The color of the boiled down fried tofu looks dark in the picture
I prepared mixed candles
STEP 6/8
Chop all the vegetables finely, then stir-fry the carrots with little oil!~
Stir-fry it with salt that'
I also stir-fried the red cabbage and chili pepper and cooled it down
STEP 7/8
It's better not to make the rice too hard!
It came out deliciously
Put 2 bowls of rice in a big bowl and mix it gently with a spatula
As if cutting the rice, let it cool while mixing it!~
I put the stir-fried and cooled vegetables in the rice and mixed it with a pack of natto
STEP 8/8
You can cut it into triangles and put rice in the boiled tofu!!
You can squeeze the rice and put it into the fried tofu!~!
I put sprout vegetables on the fried tofu with rice
It's pretty to look at, but the texture of the sprouts when you eat it is okay~@!
It's even better if you dip it in mustard soy sauce
Fried tofu is fried in oil, so it's good to fry it in boiling water because it's too greasy
I had to reduce the amount of sugar to lose weight, so I used 1/2 cooking sweet
You have to cool the rice with a spatula so that it doesn't clump together