Seasoned raw gizzard shad
Grilled gizzard shad is delicious when you grill it with oxygen gold and eat it when it's warm. But the seasoned gizzard shad with fresh gizzard shad and vegetables is also delicious~~
0 serving
Within 90 minutes
  • a gizzard shad
  • Radish
  • onion
  • Carrot
  • Scallions
  • a crown daisy
  • Cheongyang red pepper
  • red pepper paste
  • Red pepper powder
  • plum extract
  • Sugar
  • Vinegar
  • Sesame
  • Garlic
Cooking Steps
STEP 1/6
Gizzard shad is not difficult to make seasoned vinegar because it is sold by separately picking up a cloth and cutting it for seasoned raw fish.
I scooped a gun at home.. Take off the scales of gizzard shad.. You can take off the head and cut it into bite-size pieces. These days, gizzard shad has soft bones, so people cut them into pieces and eat them.
STEP 2/6
I cut it into small pieces for seasoned raw fish.. The gizzard you see at the end of the right is soft, so I cut it whole.. .
STEP 3/6
Mix the seasoning ingredients and adjust the amount of sugar and vinegar according to your preference
STEP 4/6
It's good to have various vegetables such as lettuce and perilla leaves, but we only prepared vegetables in the refrigerator. You can use radish by sprinkling a little salt and pickling it.. I'm going to eat it right away, so I didn't pickle it and just used it.. If you're going to put it on the guest entertainment table, it's also a point to pickle and cook radish. ^^
STEP 5/6
Now... I'm done preparing the ingredients
Put vegetables and gizzard shad in a wide bowl..Add red pepper paste and mix it. Okay
Depending on your preference, you can add a lot of sesame oil..Personally, I like to season it with sesame oil..
STEP 6/6
Put it on a plate and finish it with sesame seeds
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