Making delicious and spicy doenjang ramen
It tasted much better thanks to the ramen powder with the Cheongya pepper and moderately added ramen powder after dissolving the soybean paste. I'll tell you the recipe for doenjang ramen.
1 serving
Within 15 minutes
  • Ramen
  • Soybean paste
  • Shiitake mushroom
  • Bok choy
  • water parsley
  • Young squash
Cooking Steps
STEP 1/6
Add the ingredients to your liking.
STEP 2/6
Boil 1 1/2 tablespoon soybean paste and 1/3 ramen powder in 600ml water. For your information, they added a little more water than regular ramen. You can add a little bit of red pepper powder or a little bit of spicy powder to give it a spicy taste. I added a small amount of spicy powder.
STEP 3/6
When the water boils, add ramen!
STEP 4/6
Then add zucchini and cheongyang red pepper and bring to a boil.
STEP 5/6
When it boils, add mushrooms and bok choy and bring to a boil.
STEP 6/6
Lastly, when the noodles are cooked, turn off the heat, add water parsley, and stir it.
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